Human Rights Uganda Case: Masuudi Mawejje
Masuudi Mawejje, a vehicle mechanic and a resident of Masanda, Kyengera (Kampala outskirts) was shot and killed by security operatives on November 18th, 2020. He was shot and killed outside Kabaka’s Muganzirwazza building in Katwe, Uganda. Nasimu Namagembe, the sister says the deceased is survived by four young children including a two year old in need of financial assistance.

Human Rights Uganda Case: Sam Kizito, 26
Sam Kizito aka “Khalizima Mateka”, 26, a music artist from Nansana was killed in Jinja, Uganda on December 15th, 2020. The wife, Miriam Namatovu said that the Police denied having a victim shot on that day. However, a mortuary attendant later informed her that the mortuary had the victim who had a gun bullet that exited his chest. The deceased’s sister says that her brother was outside his place of residence twenty minutes after curfew time of 9:00PM (Uganda time) when he got shot. The police spokesman, Abbey Ngako said the case was under investigation search for who shot the deceased and the wife’s allegation that the victim was in possession of 850,000/-. The deceased leaves behind two young children for which the wife had no means of support and is requesting for justice for her husband.

Photo Credits to NTV: Sam Kizito aka “Khalizima Mateka”, 26 Killed by Police

Photo Credits to NTV: Sam Kizito aka “Khalizima Mateka”, 26 and family
Human Rights Uganda Case: Richard Mutyaba, 45
Richard Mutyaba, 45, a village chairman and Laity at the Kasaala Catholic Church was shot dead by the police on November 18th, 2020 at 7:30 p.m. He was shot while calming down the protesters that had lit a fire at Kasaala Trading Center about two miles from Luweero town along the Luwero-Nakasongola Highway. As he started talking the protesters, a convoy carrying government officials emerged from the Gulu side and the armed escorts disembarked and immediately began shooting into the crowds. A bullet struck the chairman and killed him instantly.

Richard Mutyaba, 45 killed by government armed escorts
Human Rights Uganda Case: Baker Kato Lubwama, 26
Baker Kato Lubwama, 26, a taxi driver from Kajjansi, was shot in the head on November 18th, 2020 by a Special Force Command (SFC) soldier attached to the elite SFC Presidential guard in Namulanda, Uganda. He died on November 20th, 2020 at Kisubi Hospital. Eyewitness says SFC was spotted for wear a t-shirt with written words “Free Bobi ” demanding for the release of the National Unity Platform (NUP) President, Honorable Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine.

Baker Kato Lubwama, 26: Shot in Kisubi Hospital

Baker Kato Lubwama, 26: Shot in Kisubi Hospital
Drive-by shootings linked to Police cars given by Dutch embassy.
In November, after the arrest of Bobi Wine, protests broke out across the country and the policy & militia reacted with extreme violence. In the video below people in a shopping area are seen cheering when a Police car or Militia car passes by. The car responds by shooting at the crowd and some people are seen falling down while others flee. It’s an obvious example of a Human Rights violation.
When we take a good look at the car that seems to fire, we find they are of the same brand, type & color as the cars that were donated by the Dutch embassy in 2018, as celebrated by the tweet of Dutch ambassador Henk Jan Bakker on 4th of July 2018.

Supposedly, these police cars were donated for use in the refugee camps in Northern Uganda. We have reached out to the Dutch embassy and asked them if they know the whereabouts of the vehicles they donated, but so far they have not been willing to respond.
Freedom Uganda is looking for witnesses of this incident. Please write to freedomuganda.com@gmail.com if you have further information, or respond to our Twitter post.
(1) Freedom Uganda on Twitter: “In July 2018 @NLinUganda ambassador @henkjanbakker3 proudly tweets about donating cars & motor bikes to Ugandan government. https://t.co/ilo2iimP2x In Nov 2020 we see same car type, text removed, shooting at unarmed civilians. Pls help us find witnesses. https://t.co/eJXm4aj8JX https://t.co/Bgp7nDCR9m” / Twitter
Sales lady killed
When Bobi Wine was arrested, the first pictures of killings by Security Forces & Militias that emerged were of a Sales lady that was hit by a bullet when delivering food.
Freedom Uganda is still looking for more details about this lady and wants to come into contact with eye witnesses of the incident.
We upload this movie to Youtube (below) but it was removed. Clearly Youtube doesnt care about Human Rights.
Local Defense Units & Militias
Local Defense Units are militias known for brute force against civilizians. During the riots after the Bobi Wine arrest they appeared on the streets of Kampala.
The movie below shows how much fear they invoke with the population.
Kiggundu, E. (2020). Shoot to Kill: LDUs kill more Ugandans than coronavirus as lockdown bites. Retrieved from: https://nilepost.co.ug/2020/07/14/shoot-to-kill-ldus-kill-more-ugandans-than-coronavirus-as-lockdown-bites/
Nangozi, Y. (2020). Army: Why LDUs are off the streets. Retrieved from: https://observer.ug/news/headlines/65788-army-why-ldus-are-off-the-streets
Human Rights Uganda Case: Kansiime Onesmus, 25
Date of death: November 18th, 2020
He was a 25 year old boda boda driver in Namugongo. He was shot dead by a gun man out of uniform. He was running one last errand for a client and got shot. He had plans to sell his motorcycle and start a business for his wife but all his dreams were cut short. He leaves behind a wife and child.

Human rights Uganda case: John Eliasaph Kitobe, 72
He was a former lecturer and accountant from 1999 to retirement for Uganda Management Institute (UMI). He was walking from Mabirizi city complex, he had come to see his wife Loyce and children. He was shot by Ugandan police and died instantly.